About the blog

“Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.” — Kurt Vonnegut

There’s something about becoming an adult that makes you both excited for your future and fearful for the reality of it at the same time. This is exacting the point that I’m at in my life. While taking business courses and having absolutely no idea what I’d like to do as far as a career, I’m also trying to figure out when man are going to grow up (which I’ve recently decided isn’t anytime soon) and keep up with my increasing drinking habits. College is a time of black out weekends, a time to make lifelong friends, and ultimately a time to get your shit together and prepare for the real word. And thru it all are memories that I will cherish forever- even those that are especially questionable, awkward, and just down right embarrassing. Those memories and my thoughts on all the crazy things that I experience in my land of young adulthood are exactly what I intend to share with all of you. However, this is also the reason why I prefer to write this blog anonymously, which most of you won’t mind I’m sure. We’ll see how it goes. I plan to write my posts these with my uttermost sincerely and hope to induce a few good laughs. Enjoy.

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